Has your confidence and courage slowly been eroded away? Are wondering what's next for you? Are you struggling with what kind of change you want to make and how to make it? Are you longing to align who you really are with all areas of your life and start to make things happen?
The Moxie Project is designed to help you remove the blocks, hurdles and obstacles - real and imagined - to reclaim your courage and confidence, to deploy the most authentic version of you into the world.
This 8 week, group-coaching programme and workshop invite all participants to show up, dig in and explore what matter most. You'll receive lessons, workbooks and exercises that will focus you to work on what really needs your attention. On our live calls each week you'll have the opportunity to receive support. All through the programme, you will have the opportunity to connect with others and stay connected and accountable to the programme and yourself as well as myself.
It doesn’t matter how much evidence and so-called proof you think you have right now about your life (I’m not good enough, worthy enough, capable enough, confident enough, courageous enough) or the excuses you keep telling yourself about why you can't create what matters to you, you can change it, at anytime. You just have to give yourself permission to begin.
It doesn't matter how long you've tried to ignore your ideas, goals and dreams and shoo them away, if they're in your heart you better pay attention because they aren't going anywhere.
You may say you are 'missing something', is it because you want your time here to count, to really matter, that deep down you feel you have something to share with the rest of the world - even if it's just your small part of it?
Do you want the next stage of your life to be meaning rich, embracing all the different parts of you? You've probably already come to the conclusion that living an authentic life is the only - sane - choice left, that there is no other replacement for getting real and taking action on what really matters.
You bring your buried dreams. Allow me to help you create them with clarity and confidence. Let me show you that you are 'missing nothing'. Let me help you leap, to take steps (safe ones) to overcoming this crippling self-doubt and lack of belief in yourself. Allow me to support you. Be there for you. I promise it will be hard work. But it will be worth it.
Is It For You? Yes, If You're Ready to Sign Your Own Permission Slip
- Are you done with stepping back? You know that phrase 'you are enough', would you really like to believe it for yourself?
- Ready to quit the 'but what will others say/think' habit? What others say and think is none of your business. Nobody likes to think others are talking about them, but I promise you, they are hardly thinking about you.
- You want more & less: more confidence, more courage, more brave, more you, more real, more authentic and less fear, less self-sabotage, less self-doubt, less second-guessing yourself, less boredom, less frustration. Nice. A healthy balance.
- You want to believe in your gifts, talents and skills (even if you have to identify them first). They are there, you know it, all these little parts that make you unique. You are ready to make use of them more in the next stage of your life.
- You're no longer willing to listen to others telling you who you are, what you are like and what you are capable of. We've all had roles to play in life. We've all had rules and regulations we've had to follow. But you're realising that none of that matters anymore. You are ready to step into your own greatness.
- You want to wave goodbye to the frustration. Those times when you talk yourself out (and down) of things you know you are more than capable of. It's time to dig deep and remember how courageous you really are.
- You're done with wandering about in circles not really starting anything. It's not that you can't, it's because you scared it doesn't work, you fail or falter. It's now time to begin something and see where it leads you.
- Do you worry that you've left things too late - that sinking feeling that you have wasted valuable and precious time and the sadness that it's never going to come back around.
- Ever tired of starting and stopping, starting and stalling, starting and giving up too soon because of a lack of belief in yourself and your abilities.
- Apologising for everything in the world, even the things that aren't your fault because of low self-image.
- The lonely thoughts that you could be the only person in the world that feels like you do (Promise: you aren't).
- Not sure? Please do reach out and ask.
How does it work?
The Moxie Project as designed for people who need help to reclaim the courage and confidence, and reclaim their buried dreams yesterday, people who do have time (or are committed to freeing some up) for an 8-week workshop and group coaching programme.
I know 1:1 coaching isn't for everyone, or that attending a live event is simply impossible (financially and practically). As I put together all the pieces of The Moxie Project, I wanted to create an experience like a live workshop. The best of everything.
Many people have said that after participating in the project they have greater confidence, courage, resilience and self-efficacy. They have increased self-belief in their skills and abilities and are setting more meaningful and intentional goals for all areas of their life. They are embracing their own uniqueness and giving themselves permission to create what is important to them. They are taking more accountability and ownership of their lives.
The Moxie Project will take up some of your time over the first 8-weeks. But it's a drop in the ocean compared to a lifetime. How much time? That depends on you, and what you put in. I average 6-7 hours a week including the group coaching calls.
But, your life is busy. I know that. Things come up, often when we have other stuff planned. Although the calls and group coaching take place the first 8-weeks the material isn't going anywhere. As long as The Moxie Project is available, you will have access to it, and the check-ins with me, and the community.
In fact, I know for certain that people log into the project members area and go through parts of the project time and time again, long after the first 8-weeks, usually when new challenges and changes are coming up.
You don't have to be done and dusted in 8-weeks. The material isn't going anywhere, as long as The Moxie Project is available you will have access.

The project has four very distinct areas, it really doesn't matter what area of your life (home, relationships, career, work, business, creative projects) you want to work on, the work we will do applies to all of it. I will be with you the whole time and will deliver using a range of techniques and tools including lessons, worksheets, self-reflective questions, videos, group coaching calls, and most importantly - support. You can at any time ask me questions about your inner game, career or business.
Confidence is made up of so many things: self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-belief, your resilience. I know that for many all these can be eroded away. It hasn't left you, it's still there, through the lessons, coaching and connection I will help you see it again.
What does courage look like to you? For The Moxie Project it's all about 'heart', it's digging deep and reminding yourself that you arrived brave, bold, authentic, real, full of unlimited creative potential. In the Moxie Project I will support you to remember how you arrived.
You want to show up as you (flawed and fabulous): you want an authentic life, the one where you are 'authoring' the story: showing up as yourself, being real and genuine, accepting the dare to be bold and brave.
For many of us our unhappiness and discontent comes from doing and being all the things we are not. We build lives on others rules and expectations of who we are and what we are like. The Moxie Project will help you reestablish what is meaningful to you, and I will support you to create ways to bring more of it into your life.
Each section of The Moxie Project is made up of different lessons to work through and there are workbooks with powerful questions to help you collate your thoughts. As well as the personal work, you will have access to a coach (me) via the community area, email if you want more privacy and weekly group coaching calls. As well as the individual attention, you will be part of one amazing community. If there is one think I have learned so far in my life it's this: we can't do all this alone, we need people.
It's all the parts that make up the whole: lesson, tools, challenges, community, coaching, support, new learning, individual attention all make up The Moxie Project.

The Moxie Project Core Lessons
The Moxie Project is delivered using key concepts/ideas that will help you tap into your full innate creative potential, each lesson will enable you to transform your thinking and support you to remove barriers and hurdles to your own growth.
The core lessons include building stronger beliefs about you and your abilities, unlocking your courage and confidence, authenticity, releasing and letting go of what no longer serves you, self-love and self-compassion, building your resilience, how to get out your own way, looking fear in the eye, self-efficacy, defining your own definition of meaningful, trusting your inner wisdom, claiming sovereignty, building your own support network, releasing your full creative potential, stepping out of safe, recovery, well-being, intentional goal setting, boundaries and assertiveness.
Over the 8-weeks you receive 3 core lessons per week. These will be posted and made available to you in the Moxie Project members area.
For each lesson, you'll be able to check-in with me. It's like having a coach for 8 weeks (but much cheaper!).

Your project workbooks, power questions and exercises
Each core lesson comes with your own work to complete. Reading the material in isolation isn't enough, you have to be willing to do the work. The self-reflection questions are where previous participants tell me they had the biggest shifts in their thinking.
Through the well thought out questions you are set you'll discover your core beliefs and values, identify your own barriers and blocks are (and how you can overcome them with the resources you have), you'll identify patterns and habits in your thinking, you'll be able to explore, identify and begin the rewriting of scripts and stories that never belonged to you. Expect lots of a-ha's!
You'll also receive sets of journal prompts with each lesson if you like to journal/blog. You will be offered lots of opportunities and space to check-in and receive support after each and every lesson.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls (x8)
Every week for 8 weeks we will have a group coaching call. These calls are relaxed, safe, informal and intimate.
You will be able to ask questions live or submit them before the call. As the Moxie Project is limited in numbers, you will have enough space to be heard and get any of your questions answered.
These calls are fun, informal and relaxed. You can choose to be seen, or you can just listen in. These calls don't cost any extra - we will meet in an online space.
Group coaching isn't for everyone. I have worked enough online now to know that it can be scary and vulnerable showing up for the first time. I promise you (really promise you), once you have been in the company of others for five minutes all the reservations (and, yes, fears) slip away.
Group coaching is an excellent way to get more out the programme. Someone may have a question that applies to your life also, or you may have an insight you can share with others.

Community, Connection & Conversation
The Moxie Project is about transformation, growth, changing beliefs, going after dreams and goals. It’s a heck of a lot easier (and makes sense) to have people you can share with while you are on that journey.
Meeting other participants, connecting, sharing, starting up conversations and joining others is a massive part of the project. Having people around that you can bounce ideas of, chat with, learn from, accountability and share with is priceless.
I will be present in the community posting questions, answering questions and offering support. The community remains as long as you wish to be part of it. This community takes place within the private classroom. It's not a Facebook group.

Campfires (x 4)
Every other week you will have the opportunity attend a Campfire.
How they work: Campfires last for 4 hours. We check in with each other at the start to declare what we are working, then again half way through, then finally at the end.
Some participants use this time for going through the project course materials and others have used the time for working on their career goals, business ideas, even home projects. The premise is accountability, staying focused, paying attention and getting things started, moving or finished. It's a place to share, tell stories, receive support and get things done in a fun, light, friendly environment.

Personal support and guidance
I am with you the whole way. Those aren't just words. You are not left to get on with it.
Before the project begins, my work starts, I will ask you as soon after you book what you want to work on, why you are here, what do you need, what's currently happening, what would you like to take away from the project.
Through the first 8-weeks I am available and will show up daily for you in the community, in the calls, and in the campfires.
When I am delivering a Moxie project it has my full attention. There may be things I am committed to planned before the course, but for me the Moxie Project is like opening my doors for you.

Ongoing aftercare
It's my role to help you move along and into the next part of journey, but I know this doesn't always happen in 8 weeks.
Aftercare has been put in place to help. I've found many people return back to the project after a couple of months, redo some of the lessons and worksheets. You are always able to reach out once the programme has finished in the community area.

The next Moxie Project starts 13th June 2017 for 8-weeks.
I am not going to write a paragraph about how much is your happiness worth to you, or what's the other ones, for the price of a latte you can change your life or ask yourself, what else can you do with £5 a day - they make me want to throw up.
In case we have never met before I help men and women all over the globe (from Australia to Arkansas, from South Africa to Southampton, from Texas to people on my doorstep in Edinburgh) deploy the most authentic version of themselves in all areas of their life, career, and business.
I've been doing this work self-employed for the past 14 years and similar work for another 8. There is nothing I'm more passionate about than helping people tell the truth of who they are. It inspires me. Moves me. I cannot express in words what it feels like when someone feeds back to me that they are creating what they are called to create with the confidence and courage to match. This is the work that drives me.
Be mindful. If TMP resonates with you in any way, if it touches you, if it's something you've been looking for - and you can afford it - then I will leave it up to you if you want to book or not. I won't fear you into making a decision. It's the exact opposite of what the whole project (and Living Moxie) is about. I hope I have given you all the details to make an informed choice because I want you to feel good about taking part.
The Moxie Project is £297.
Let me repeat, that's the one-off price. You don't pay again. This isn't a membership site. It includes the full Moxie Project Group Coaching Programme (the first 8 weeks) and you can go through any of the material again, whenever you like for as long as The Moxie Project is available because you'll always have access.
After you register/book your place you will be asked to confirm your email address for the project. This is an important step. Please take it It's so I can reach you before the course begins and send you pre-project work.
Please note: you will not be given your username or password until the day the programme begins. This is a group programme and we all arrive together. All details will be explained in your booking email and your pre-project work within 24 hours. Yep, you start before the official start date.
The Moxie Project
Next Dates TBC
- Moxie Project Lessons
- Daily Exercises & Worksheets, Prompts and Self- Reflection Questions
- 24/7 Classroom Access
- The Moxie Project Forum
- Individual Personal Support (via the community, email and Facebook Group)
- 8 x Live Q and A Group Coaching Calls
- Aftercare (extra calls, campfires, gatherings)
- 4 x Campfires
- Daily Check-ins
The Moxie Project
Next Dates TBC
£297 (Instalments)
2 & 3 Pay Available
If you would like to pay in instalments there are two options below. There is no extra charge for this, the price and the project are exactly the same.
Option 2:
Two Pay: Next Dates TBC
Option 3:
Three Pay: Next Dates TBC
Further Questions:
Side effects of the Moxie Project
It's incredibly important to me that you have all the information about The Moxie Project including my expectation as a coach and trainer, and what I expect from you.
I want people 'in the room' (or in this case, online) who actually want to be there. People who have taken the time to consider if this course or that learning is specifically what they are looking for at this time. Because if it's not, that's okay. There will be other opportunities.
The Moxie Project is work. I know many people don't want to hear that. They want a blueprint or step-by-step plan. That way is not The Moxie Project. Sure, there is curriculum, there are learning outcomes, I have a strategy of what is being delivered. But, this is your life we are working with.
Are you prepared to dive in? Show up? Commit to an 8-week intensive group coaching programme? Will you participate fully - because there are no sidelines to watch from. Will you accept the hand of help being offered? Are you prepared to look at things from new eyes and a different perspective? Are you prepared, ready and willing to take full accountability and ownership of your life?
If you answered yes to those questions I would love to have you, but you may experience side effects similar to these previous outcomes:
- Expressing who they are more through creative pursuits and hobbies
- Trusting themselves more
- Started volunteering in local projects
- Asking for what they need and setting better boundaries
- Treating themselves with respect, love, and kindness
- Let go of the need to ask for the approval and permission from others
- Learned how to handle the naysayers and critics (inside and out), and become their own best friend.
- Career changes to doing work more aligned with their core values.
- Started businesses and/or changed direction of their current one.
- Speaking out and speaking up.
- Stopped feeling as if it’s was ‘too late’ for them, and ditched the story of ‘when the time is right’.
- Become more aligned with their core values, and stopped doing what was taking them further away
- Discovered their passions and purpose for their work, career, business, or remembered again why they started.
- More confidence and courageous action in their daily living, owning how they feel.
- Accepted their gifts and talents, and started using them.
- Noticed the loving person they always knew they were, there is nothing wrong with them.
- Let go of tired worn out stories, beliefs and myths.
You could have a lifetime of 'evidence' that is trying to tell you that 'this is the way life is' for you, or that you are simply not 'good enough' to release the authentic version of you on the world.
If you want to create and write a different story, you can. Anytime you choose to. You just have to decide. You have to make the decision that your life is valuable, and so are you. You have to choose that you are more interested in being the most authentic version of yourself than anything else.
More often than not we are stuck and stopped because we think aren't good enough, brave enough, confident enough, courageous enough, capable enough or any other not enough. We make careers of fear and self-doubt, we actually begin to believe they are real for us.
Whatever the story you're telling yourself about your life at the moment, whether you come to the Moxie Project or not. It is never ever too late to reclaim who you are. Never.
Lots of love,
The Moxie Project
Next Dates TBC
- Moxie Project Lessons
- Daily Exercises & Worksheets, Prompts and Self- Reflection Questions
- 24/7 Classroom Access
- The Moxie Project Forum
- Individual Personal Support (via the community, email and Facebook Group)
- 8 x Live Q and A Group Coaching Calls
- Aftercare (extra calls, campfires, gatherings)
- 4 x Campfires
- Daily Check-ins
The Moxie Project
Next Dates TBC
£297 (Instalments)
2 & 3 Pay Available
If you would like to pay in instalments there are two options below. There is no extra charge for this, the price and the project are exactly the same.
Option 2:
Two Pay: Next Dates TBC
Option 3:
Three Pay: Next Dates TBC
Previous participant? Login Here